
Meet our Music Teacher(s)

Antwon Owens

Kohl Elementary Dept

Hello, my name is Mr. Owens and I have been a Music Educator for 15 years. This is my 13th year here at Kohl! I am born and raised in Denver, Colorado and I love teaching music. I received my education at Metropolitan State University of Denver for Music Education K-12 with a focus on Instrumental/Jazz performance. Some of my favorite things in life are...helping communities, playing the drums; listening to and performing Jazz.

Some of my favorite musical composers are Ron Miles a trumpeter and Max Richter a new-age composer. My favorite color is green, I love to play Football and eat foods from Korea, Southern U.S and India. I have recently picked up more Ukulele playing and have learned to enjoy that even more. I am so excited to be back as Kohl's music educator and I look forward to another exciting year!

The Boulder Valley Music Curriculum provides the foundation for quality music instruction for students and represents the core program for which all schools are accountable. The Boulder Valley Academic Standards in music are the topical organization of the concepts and skills all Colorado students should know and be able to do throughout their preschool through twelfth-grade experience.

1. Expression of Music - The expression of music is the demonstration of human thought and emotion through the medium of performance, which is a product of knowledge and skills gained in the study of music.

2. Creation of Music - The creation of music is the demonstration of learned skills in the composition, improvisation, and arranging of music. Creating music involves writing music, fashioning new music from an existing piece of music, or forming an entirely new piece of music.

3. Theory of Music - The theory of music is the understanding of the distinctive language, conventions, mechanics, and structure of organized sound. Investigation of music theory allows for a more complete understanding of all aspects of the musical process, including musical performance and composition.

4. Aesthetic Valuation of Music - The value of music focuses on the knowledge needed to make an informed evaluation and to provide a well-thought-out critique about a musical piece. It also addresses the beauty, heart, and soul: the aesthetics of music. Valuing music will permit individuals to distinguish between a scholarly and an individual judgment of music.