Media Specialist

Our mission is to provide equitable access for students and teachers to 21st Century Libraries staffed by 21st Century Librarians in order to create a culture of lifelong learners and a community of digital citizens.

Meet our Librarian

Rachel Young

Job Title: Media Specialist

Hello Colt Community! My name is Rachel Young. I have been a Kohl parent for the past 6 years and I am now excited to officially be a Colt and join you as your Teacher Librarian! You may be surprised to learn that you would NOT have found an enthusiastic tiny Rachel in a library during my early school years. Reading was a struggle and it took quite a bit of extra effort and grit to keep pace with my peers. In high school, I found Home Economics and discovered that there are a myriad of ways to learn and show intelligence. I joined FHA HERO, a national student organization that provides leadership and career development opportunities for students. This put me on the path to becoming a high school Family and Consumer Science Educator. Career and Technical Education will always hold a special place in my heart as I believe the best way to develop lifelong learners is to engage students in their interest and provide enjoyable and rigorous experiential learning opportunities.

As a mother of four, the public library became THE PLACE TO BE, because of the amazing FREE programs, activities, and resources. I decided when I pivoted my career the school library would fit my new interests and understanding of what a library could be. Last year, I earned a Master’s degree in Learning Design and Technology with a Highly Effective Teacher Librarian credential from CU Denver. In this program, I developed a love for children’s literature, which I hope to pass onto our students!

See you in the Library!