Dr. Geoff Sandfort, Principal

Main Phone:      720-561-8600
Attendance:       720-561-8602

Upcoming events

John Irwin School Of Excellence Award

Kohl Receives John Irwin School of Excellence Award
​​The John Irwin awards are given to schools that demonstrate exceptional academic achievement over time. Kohl Elementary received an Exceeds Expectations rating on the Academic Achievement indicator of the School Performance Frameworks reflecting exceptional performance in Math, English Language Arts, and Science. We are so proud of our students & staff! Click here for additional information.

i_Ready Super Stretch School Award

Kohl Receives i-Ready Stretch & Grow Status!
After a review of our i-Ready® Diagnostic data from last school year, Kohl has achieved remarkable Stretch Growth®! This is no small feat.Your dedication to your students and their learning has helped so many of them reach this ambitious yet attainable goal. As an i-Ready Super Stretch Schools! We are honored to work by your side.

School News

Kids running through blue on a color run
Kids running through yellow on a color run
Kids getting pinked during a color run
Kids ready to start running in a color run
Kids running through pink during a color run
Two kids sitting after a color run
Kid running in a color run
Two adults running
Kid running in a color run
Two kids running in a color run
Three kids
Kid after running in a color run
Kids running in a color run
Three kids running in a color run
Kid and adult running in a color run
Kid after he finished a color run

District News

Aadi Sobti

Aadi Sobti is a junior at Peak to Peak High School who unfortunately is familiar with the loss tied to the recent headlines of wildfires in California, as his family lost their home in the Marshall fire when he was in 8th grade, attending Monarch PK-8. A new found empathy and concern for his community and the world around him is one of the many important perspectives Sobti gained, ultimately inspiring a project that would earn him recognition by Congress.

Read More about BVSD student, inspired by his family’s loss in the Marshall Fire, designs wildfire notification app recognized by Congress
BVSD logo

The Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) Board of Education recently adopted revised graduation requirements that will go into effect starting with freshman (9th grade) students in the 2025-26 school year, the class of 2029, and each subsequent year. The new revisions increase the requirements in math and science.

Read More about BVSD Board revises graduation requirements, starting with the class of 2029